Gardens in Kyoto – Shugakuin Imperial Villa (Shugakuin Rikyu)


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These Photos of Shugakuin Imperial Villa (Shugakuin Rikyu) were taken in Kyoto, Nobember 2013.

Shugakuin Imperial Villa was built in the middle of 17th century (1653 – 1655) under the orders of the Emperor Gomizunoo.
A detached palace of 3, the Upper Garden, the Middle Garden and the Lower Garden is here and there in about 545,000 square meters of vast site. The tour is arranged by The Imperial Household Agency, it takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes for walking around 3 gardens.

Kyaku-den, the reception hall in the Middle Garden, was moved to this site in 1678 from the palace at Tofuku-monin.
It contains a celebrated shelf of zelkova wood, known as the “Shelf of Mist”, which is the one of the three Japanes selves. It is beautiful design arranged in 5 shelf boards just like its name, hazy hangs as a light balance.

Until Riun-tei to be built to the highest place in the Upper Garden, it will continue up the narrow stone steps. It doesn’t look around it is sandwiched between the high hedge along the way. When you reach the Riun-tei on the hill, suddenly spreads out with a vast garden containing a pond named Yokuryu-ike. It is amazing!

Yokuryu-ike is a surprise because say pond artificial made by dammed mountain stream. You can enjoy a tour around the pond.
I imagine the Emperor Gomizunoo was enjoying boating gracefully.

Kyusui-tei, the tea house, is built in the island floating in Yokuryu-ike pond. It is a plain structure with a little decoration, it is a good resting house with views of the surrounding area with shojis (sliding paper doors). Afternoon sun shines like in the autumn of evening also is tasteful.

Shugakuin Imperial Villa is the great masterpieces of Japanese gardening. Extremity of the dynasty culture of the 17th century. Hope to visit again and again.

(Reproduction of photos without permission is prohibited.)

NameShugakuin Imperial Villa (Shugakuin Rikyu)
AddressShugakuin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto
WEBImperial Household Agency
Open to visitors9:00〜17:00
Admission Fee
applications-in-advance required
Imperial Household Agency
DirectionsEizan Railway Line "Shugakuin Station" : 20 min walk.
City Bus to "Shugakuin-rikyu-michi" : 15 min walk

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