Venice – Canal Grande


jp日本語版はこちら→ ヴェネツィア カナル・グランデ – 大運河

These Photos of Piazza San Marco were taken in Venice, Italy.

Canal Grande (Grand Canal) that flows through Venice in the middle of the city to the S-shape is the important route of water traffic, Vaporetto (water-buses) and gondolas are coming and going.
It is something like the main street in the city of Venice banned vehicle traffic.
The surface of the water is sparkling in the morning sun at 9:00am.
gondolas before working had arranged in Canal Grande.

Canal Grande at noon. Gondolas with tourists come and go.
Though the buildings next to each other are the same color tone, the shapes of windows and the balconies are different, designs are concentrated.

A Gondola go through the light rain. San Giorgio Maggiore in the background. Very attractive.

The view from Ponte dell’Accademia (the Accademia bridge). The Dome roof visible in the distance is Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute.

The view from Ponte dell’Accademia (the Accademia bridge). When a day fell.

The view of the north from Ponte di Rialto (the Rialto bridge).

The view of the south from Ponte di Rialto (the Rialto bridge). The south area of Ponte di Rialto is lined with restaurants on both sides.
The opposite bank in particular is an area in Venice with many restaurants. There are many “bacaro” which is the place for wine lovers.

(Reproduction of photos without permission is prohibited.)

Piazza San Marco

Venice – Piazza San Marco
Photos taken in Venice, Italy. Piazza San Marco where people say the most beautiful place in the world.

Tiny Canals

Venice – Tiny Canals
Photos taken in Venice, Italy. The views along the tiny canals are so fascinating.
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