Venice – Tiny Canals


jp日本語版はこちら→ ヴェネツィア 小さな運河

These Photos of canals were taken in Venice, Italy.

The magnificent scenery of Canal Grande which flow in the middle of the Venice is wonderful, but the views along the tiny canals stretched like a mesh of a net are also fascinating.
Restaurant’s tables are facing a Canal. Gondolas pass the side of the tables leisurely.

Gondolas go through a narrow canal between the buildings.

Some places, tiny canals become wider. The wider canal has much traffic of gondolas.

Though you aren’t able to pass a car in Venice, the baggage is carried by ships. You can glimpse into the daily life of Venice
Boats for business and private use stop by shops. You can glimpse into the daily life of Venice.

Thin, long blue sky reflected on a narrow canal. Private boats stop in the back.

At dusk. Restaurant along canals is crowded from crowded from this time.

A summer night. Bright light is leaking from the building.

It’s a lively street over the canal.

(Reproduction of photos without permission is prohibited.)

Piazza San Marco

Venice – Piazza San Marco
Photos taken in Venice, Italy. Piazza San Marco where people say the most beautiful place in the world.

Canal Grande

Venice – Canal Grande
Photos taken in Venice, Italy. Canal Grande (Grand Canal) flowing through Venice in the middle of the city. Vaporetto and gondolas are coming and going.
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