日本語版はこちら→ 京都の庭 源光庵
These Photos of Genko-an were taken in Kyoto, September 2014.
It was early autumn, so a little bit early for the best time of colored leaves.
The very famous Japanese TV film series “Souda. Kyoto Ikou. (Why not go to Kyoto?)” by JR Tokai (Centoral Japan Railway Company). Seems to like this film was taken around Nobember 20th.
Genko-an Temple was established by Tetto Kokushi as the high priest of Daitokuji in 1346. On the inside of the main gate of the amount of “Fukko Zenrin (Reactionary of the old Zen temple)”, it was over looks a spacious vestibule.
In Genko-an, the beautiful garden over “the window of the hesitation” and “the window of the realization” of the main hall of the temple is the highlight.
The main hall of the temple was built in 1694. The square “window of the hesitation” seems to symbolize the hesitation of the human life at four corners.
The round “window of the realization” seems to express a heart of “Zen and the encyclopedic knowledge”. Even I without the faith somewhat feel meeting the big space really when I sit down before this window.
To spend the time slowly quiet in the main hall with airy, early morning to avoid the autumn foliage season is recommended.
The porch facing the courtyard is also a cozy place.
The ceiling on the hallway is called “the blood ceiling” and is here, and famous. But I am the coward who is being afraid of what it’s and isn’t taking a picture. They reconstructed a flooring with the blood of the general who died upon his own sword when Fushimi Castle gave up in 1600, in the ceiling. They ware the part which were floor-boards, so some footprints with the color of the blood ware left clearly. Please I wish that The Samurai killed themselves Fushimi Castle in to enter Nirvana peacefully.
(Reproduction of photos without permission is prohibited.)
Name | Genko-an Temple |
Address | 47 Kita-Takagamine-cho, Takagamine, Kita-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto |
WEB | none |
TEL | 075-492-1858 |
Open to visitors | 9:00〜17:00 |
Admission Fee | ¥400 (¥500 in Nobember) |
Directions | (No direct Bus from JR Kyoto Station) City Bus from Kitaoji Subway Statiion to "Takamine Genko-an-mae" City Bus from Sijo Omiya to "Takamine Genko-an-mae" |
Parking | free parking available(except Nobenber) |
Shugakuin Imperial Villa 修学院離宮

Eikan-do Temple 永観堂

Tenryu-ji Temple 天龍寺